Last time we did this little game, I was totally "in the zone". Exercising, eating better, drinking water, all the good stuff.
This go 'round...not so much.
Picture this:
Jimmy and I stop for lunch at Pie Hole (bad idea #1).
I order a slice of pepperoni pizza.
On the way out the door I grab a big stack of napkins. "What for?" you might say.
So that I can MOP UP the grease on my pizza! And this is what I actually said to Jimmy,
"Did you know that doing this saves you like 10 grams of fat?!"
EW, ICK and YUM all at the same time!
At that point I realized that I was soooo not winning this at the rate I was going. Not only not winning but failing miserably!
So what did I do? Jump back on the horse? No. Exercise extra hard? Nope. Make a plan to do better. Should have. Lay in bed and eat a graham cracker/chocolate frosting sandwich? Yep.
Today I packed up my lean cuisine, my apple and my 1 point chocolate pudding (a girls gotta have chocolate) and headed to work. Right before lunch my mom called me, "Olivia fell in the yard and I think she needs stitches. I'm coming to pick you up."
After a lot of crying and two staples in the head...we ate cheeseburgers and chocolate milkshakes for lunch!!
Tomorrow is another day! Right?
By the way...I weigh 138.